"Susan is more divine
than Bette Midler and my world famous
cheesecake!" —Joey Reynolds, WOR, New York
"Susan, thank you for
coming on the show. Alan Colmes enjoyed it
tremendously." —Fox News Producer
"What I like about you,
Susan, is that you work through Spirit." —George
Noory, Coast to Coast AM
"I wanted to thank you
so very much for being a guest on the WGN radio show the other
night!! You were fantastic. The phone lines and texts kept coming
in after we said goodbye!!! Wow!"
—Jane Monzures,
"You're such a great
guest. This is such a fascinating topic, and
we've never done
anything like this before." —Laurie Kirby, WBZ,
"It was an absolute
joy! Thanks for chatting with me." —Jeff Angelo, WHO,
Des Moines
"Thanks so much for
your time. John and I really enjoyed the interview!"
—John Hines and Dan Cook, WCCO, Minneapolis
"There are so, so many
more great stories in the book that we just haven't got time to
cover. It's been absolutely fascinating, Susan, to talk to you.
Thank you so much. It was truly a delightful interview
and lots of
fun." —David White, BBC Radio, Liverpool
"Wasn't that a
fascinating chat with Susan in America? You were an absolute star!
You were stunning!" —Sally Naden, BBC Radio
Lancashire UK
"We were just saying
how much we enjoyed playing your piece
out on the radio — it was so
great! I could have chatted to you for
hours!" Hope we get to speak
again in the future."
—Donna Alos,
BBC Radio Hereford
& Worcester
"Speaking with you has
been very enlightening." —Sally Fairfax,
BBC Radion
"It was a pleasure to
speak with you. I am sure we could have
spoken for a lot
longer!" —Cameron Ward, BBC Radio Jersey
"I read over 100 books
a year, and at the end of the year, in my Christmas letter, I
recommend 3 books. Though it's only February, yours is going to be
one of the three books. I found it so interesting. You're a very
descriptive writer. I highly recommend this book. You can find it
really fascinating." —Don Briscoe, KSDN, Aberdeen,
"A very entertaining
guest. This is one of the more entertaining and interesting books.
I mean page after page she surprised me with things she said. Thank
you for a wonderful interview."
—Don Briscoe, KSDN,
Aberdeen, SD
"Thank you so much for
joining us. It's been a fascinating, great conversation. Had a
great time. We really appreciate you being on. We'll have you
back." —JV Johnson, Beyond Reality
"We talked for 20
minutes, and it seemed like 2 minutes. I wish
we could go on for 2
hours. It was so great to talk about George
Harrison on his 75th
birthday, and to do it with you. I hope to
talk with you
again." —Steve Trevelise, WKXW, New Jersey
"I can't tell you how
much I'm really enjoying hearing that. You
must come back on the
show. And I think on a regular basis, because there's so many
conversations we've begun during this first meeting that I would
love to continue with you. This has really been terrific...
I love
you. You are awesome. Susan, I cannot wait to have you back. You
are a terrific guest. —Ed Tyll
"What you've done
today, and I thank you for this, you've taken us back and shown us
something that was there to be learned, and we're interested very
much... I think this is an appetite of humanity that you've tapped
into. So thank you for giving us some of the rewards of your
thinking and your writing and your meditation. It's a real joy to
have you on the show. Thanks for today. We're going to talk again
soon. We had so much fun too." —Ed Tyll
"I do love your work.
You are a very very interesting person. You really are. I'm very
fascinated. If people are watching this now, go out there and check
her out. There's something in what she's saying that resonates a
lot with me now. It's very interesting." —Kevin
Moore, The Moore Show, UK
"Susan Shumsky-informative,
compelling and entertaining! What more could you want from a talk
show guest?" —Paul Gonzales, Syndicated Radio
"You've been an
incredible guest." —NickLawrence, WEEU, Berks
"Thank you for being
such a great guest. I am only as good as my guests, and you were a
great one! I look forward to having you as
my radio guest again
soon!" —Hartley Pleshaw, WCAP, Lowell, MA.
"We so enjoyed our
interview with you. What a great conversation
for our
listeners." —Mantz and Mitchell, KKNW,
"Thank you again for a
most informative interview regarding Color
Your Chakras. I always enjoy speaking with you
and learning so much new information about our
potential." —Barb Adams, Radio Amerika Now
"It's been a
fascinating interview!" —Wayne Kent, WSOY, Decatur,
"I would love to talk
to you another hour, but my show is only an hour. A fascinating
read for certain. Susan, this has been a really interesting
conversation to have with you. I will look for future opportunities
so we can continue some dialogue here. Thanks for being with us
today." —Mark Cope, KXYL, Brownwood, TX
"Thanks for the terrific interview. Really really a good guest with a wealth of great stories. In fact, there was SO much good stuff, I inclued way MORE than my ususal 4 minutes. Just too MANY good stories NOT to share!. It's been wonderful talking to you. You're a blast!" —JC Haze, Beatles Weekly
"It's been a delight.
Thanks for the clarity of your thoughts in a very valuable
interview." —Hank Baughman, WCNS, Pittsburgh,
"You knocked it out of
the park! You are a delight!" —Lisa Cypers Kamen,
Harvesting Happiness
"We both loved you and
definitely want you on again." —Grace Collins, In
Your Face with Donnie and Grace
"You're very very
delightful to interview." —Marcus Hart, WXRW,
Milwaukee, WI
"My time with you was my favourite interview in quite a while. I absolutely loved interviewing you and want to thank you again for
a terrific converstaion. My listeners will love your episode."
—Bruce Langford, Mindfulness Mode Podcast, Ontario Canada
"That was wonderful. I'd love to get a part 2. Real honor to talk with you. I'm thrilled to have you.You're the best."—Frank MacKay
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